Claire D

Forum Upgrade

Unfortunately it is time to upgrade the forum software. I have resisted upgrading for as long as possible but the forum is being bombarded by spammers & the new software has much better spam filters. I am deleting about 100+ accounts a day which is a complete PIA.

The forum will be down for about an hour & I will try to get it up & running again ASAP.

Thank you for your patience.

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As you can see the forum upgrade has now been completed.

Please could you let the Admins know if there is anything not working correctly.


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As you can see, the forum has had a bit of a revamp again. I've added more disc space for us as we were getting a bit tight & we might have had to remove some images (which we certainly didn't want to do). So now we can have more photos! (hint, hint ;)

Please let us know of there's anything not working correctly etc.

I've tried to tie in the board's skin colours with the CHINformative 'livery' so I hope it is working ok for everyone.

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