


This is only an option if the dam is producing milk. On occasions when triplets (or more) are born, the larger, stronger kits feed well, but the smaller kits (runts?) do not get a look-in and are fought off by the larger kits.

This is where rotating them is very useful. I remove the larger well-fed kits for up to two hours at a time, allowing the weaker kit/s to suckle undisturbed. The larger kits are placed in a secure, warm box with a soft towel to snuggle into, whilst the smaller kits take their turn with mum, unmolested.

The kits need to be rotated very 2 hours or so during the day and at least 2 or 3 times at night for the first fortnight (always remembering to return the larger kits when the smaller ones have had their allocated time with mum).

After the first fortnight you can gradually cut down on the nightly rotations. Then over the next few weeks (until they are weaned around 8 weeks old) you can gradually reduce the daily rotations.

If the kits are not fighting, then the weaker kits can be left in with the dam all the time and only the stronger kits are removed. If there is continual fighting, then the weaker kits need to be removed when the stronger kits are returned, for their own safety. This is when you may need to hand-feed the weaker kits with some additional feeds yourself, a few times a day, in order for them to thrive.

The Pros:

The dam does all the cleaning and looking-after of the kits for you.

There is no equipment to sterilise and prepare.

There is no milk formula to make up.

The Cons:

You still may have to handfeed the kits yourself a couple of times a day.

Rotation only works if the dam has milk.

You still have to get up during the night.

Not much good if you have to work full-time.

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