
First Aid Kit

have divided this list into sections and have listed the items, where they can be sourced and what they are useful for - but I have not listed dosages.

It is based on what I have in my kit at home - but those people with just a few chinnies will not need such a large kit - but I hope this list may help people to "pick and choose" what items may be useful.

However, I cannot stress highly enough that most problems will need professional treatment from a vet - and certain items are only available by veterinary prescription

A first aid kit is useful in emergencies - and if treating minor conditions - provided that the owner is certain they know what they are treating and only as a COMPLIMENT to professional veterinary care.

All treatments have been tried and tested on my own chinchillas - with the full knowledge of my vet.


Milpar - chemists - useful for treating digestive conditions such as bloat

Liquid Paraffin - chemists - for treating constipation (not to be confused with castor oil - which is harmful to chinchillas digestion)

Syrup of Figs - chemists - for treating constipation (milder than liquid paraffin)

Paediatric Kaolin - chemists - for treating diarrhoea

Pro-biotics - vets or specialist suppliers - balances the intestinal flora


Golden Eye Drops - chemists - for treating minor infections

Optrex - chemists - for flushing eyes and removing foreign bodies

Skin and Fur

Evening Primrose Oil - chemists/health food shops - excellent for a wide range of skin/fur problems

Baby Oil - chemists/supermarkets - excellent for treating "flaky ears"

Athletes Foot Powder - chemists - for treating possible fungal conditions


Hibiscrub - vets - use diluted for bathing wounds

Intra-Site Gel - chemists - applied to large open wounds to assist healing and form a protective barrier

Ster-Zac Powder - chemists - a powder that can be used on injuries for preventing Strep. infections.

Dermisol Cream - vets - an antiseptic cream also removes necrotic tissue

Hydrogen Peroxide - chemists - use to flush and clean wounds according to instructions ** ONLY USE DILUTED - UNDER VETERINARY RECOMMENDATION **

Iodine - vets/chemists - thoroughly cleans wounds, skin infections etc (stings though)


Sudafed Liquid - chemists - suppresses mucus

Calpol 6+ - chemists - although a pain relief is very useful when treating colds too

Pain Relief

Calpol 6+ - chemists - as above

Metacam - vets - excellent pain relief

Also in kit…..

Loads of cotton wool and cotton buds - chemists - variety of uses

Carnation milk - shops - just in case need to hand-rear

Food replacement - vets/specialist suppliers - for feeding sick chins

Curved Scissors - vets - for trimming fur away from injuries or removing soiled fur - curved to prevent injury to chinchilla

Cohesive Bandage - chemists/vets - sticks to itself - not the chin

Vitamin B12 - chemists/health food shops - stimulates the appetite and acts as a tonic

Milton Fluid - chemists/supermarkets - used to sterilize pretty much anything from bowls, water bottles - to hand feeding equipment and syringes.

Dioralyte - chemists - rehydration treatment

Different sized syringes - vets - variety of uses

Pipettes - vets/specialist suppliers - for hand feeding


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